Student : O, my master, teach me how to see the Messenger of Allah PBUH in my dreams.
Teacher : Do you really wish to see the Prophet PBUH in your dreams?
Student : Yes, sir.
Teacher : If so, then, you are invited to dinner tonight in my house. Tonight, eat with me.
So, the blessed teacher prepared dinner for his student, overdid the salt, and prohibited him from any water.
He added excessive salts and pickles, and there's no water.
Then, the student eats.
Student : I'm thirsty.
Teacher : No water is allowed.
Student : I'm thirsty sir. I want to drink!
Teacher : No, there's no water.
Student : Alright.
Teacher : Eat.
Student : Alright. So, teach me, sir.
Teacher : No, not now. I won't teach you now.
Student : Then, when?
Teacher : Sleep now, and before Fajr, I will instruct you on how to see the Messenger of Allah PBUH in your dreams.
The student slept, as he was in great anticipation of this beautiful lesson.
(Before Fajr.)
Teacher : Come, my son.
Student : Teach me, sir.
Teacher : No, wait a second. First, have you seen anything last night in your sleep?
Student : Yes, I have.
Teacher : What have you seen?
Student : Sir, I saw the skies raining, and I saw the rivers running, and I saw oceans flowing in front of me.
So he went to sleep very thirsty. So he dreams of water falling from the sky, and water running through streams and water flowing in the oceans - that's how it is.
Teacher : Yes, my son, you've spoken the truth. You've spoken the truth, and your attention has been truthful, so your dream was truthful. And if your love for the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is true, then you shall see the Messenger of Allah PBUH!
Student : Is this the answer?
Student : Is this the answer?
Teacher : Yes, this is the answer. If your love for the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is true, then you shall see the Messenger of Allah PBUH!
So tell me, is it possible for the Prophet PBUH to come in a dream
to one who eats from Harram?
to one whose eyes look to what is Harram?
to one whose tongue lies?
to a cheater?
to one who deals with interest?
to a hypocrite?
Would the Prophet PBUH come to this?
No, no, no, no, no, no, by Allah!
By Allah, he does not come except to those he loves.
There are those who go to visit the Prophet PBUH and there are those who the Prophet PBUH comes to visit.
Remember :
Your intention has been truthful, so your dream was truthful.
And if your love for the Prophet PBUH is true, then, you shall see the Messenger of Allah!
Just strengthen the love.
And by Allah, you will be pleased with the sight of the beloved Messenger of Allah PBUH.
Following and loving Him.
For following is a fruit of loving him.
Following is a fruit of love.
Whoever claims to love Prophet PBUH but does not gain from his guidance, then, it is nonsense and disrespect.
So, the love is its first condition and mandate.
If was truthful, then obedience, and faithfulness.
For he is the one who said, "Whoever sees me in dreams, has truly seen me, for the Shaytaan cannot take my form."
اللهم أرني وجه نبيِّك وحبيبك محمد في منامي
"Ya Allah, perlihatkan kepadaku wajah nabiMu dan kekasihMu Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم dalam mimpiku."
Sumber : How To Dream of The Prophet SAW
Wallahu a'lam.
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